Most clients need translations on an ongoing basis and while the volume certainly varies throughout the year, it would be handy to have a certain quota available and not have to worry about it. If a customer has to go through certain processes for ordering and paying for each translation, this is time-consuming bureaucracy. Most customers need translations on an ongoing basis. The volume usually varies throughout the year, but the most practical thing would be to have a quota available for translations and not have to worry about anything else.
In this sense, it seems even more pointless to continue to bill only by word, line or character. Ian:So should HK Phone Number translations be billed differently? Is such a change foreseeable? Some kind of fixed price for an unlimited number of translations? Tim:I previously compared charging for translations per word with the previous telephone costs per minute. So far this comparison has worked. The difference is that the additional minute does not incur any extra costs for the telephone company. This is of course different with translations, as someone always has to take care of the translation of these words and this incurs costs. You pay €8.99 per month and sometimes use it more, sometimes less.
Overall, it is still worth paying this fixed amount per month. For Netflix, it makes little or no difference whether the subscription is used a little or a lot. However, translating another 1000 words takes half a day of translation work. Nevertheless, the entire process can be simplified, which benefits both the customer and the agency. The difficulty lies in finding a good balance between ease of processing and actual costs. Every translated word costs, only with machine translation can you get closer to 0 additional costs. The difficulty lies in finding a good balance between the simplest possible processing and the actual costs.