When doing scientific work , you may have already asked yourself: how to make a cover for work at ABNT ? Typically, work covers contain elements such as the title of the work, identification of the student and the educational institution. Everything so that the main information about the publication is easily recognized. But do you know what ABNT specifically says about the work cover? It is a mandatory element in some cases! However, you don't need to worry if you don't know the answer to the question above, as my objective in this article is to let you know everything about the topic! In other blogposts I have already talked about ABNT standards and how to set up references . Today, the topics are: What is ABNT? ABNT work cover: how does it work? Essential information on the cover of the work at ABNT How to prepare an ABNT work cover quickly What is ABNT? Before starting to prepare, it is interesting and even mandatory that you understand what ABNT is to facilitate the development of your project.
ABNT , or Brazilian Association of Technical Standards , is a private institution that aims not only to develop, but to take care of the country's standards. Thus, it systematizes processes in different sectors of society, such as: Academic processes; Technological; Industrial; And many others. In this way, ABNT creates a standard that must be followed equally by educational institutions, avoiding problems with differentiation. For Brazil Phone Number Data example, have you ever thought: you do your work in one way, while your colleagues do it in a completely different way? The ABNT cover, for example, follows a base model that even facilitates equal assessment. In fact, we can now start talking about it! Work cover and ABNT: understand how it works According to the definition, the cover is the external protection of the work, on which the information essential for identification is printed. Therefore, it is a mandatory element in most jobs. This is what NBR 14724 says , the technical standard for academic work.
Find out more about NBR 14724 and what should not be missing in your scientific work In fact, it considers all typical graduation projects, such as theses, articles, dissertations and TCC . So, if you are producing one of them, you do need to provide a cover! According to the standard, this is a pre-textual element , along with the title page, summary , approval sheet, among others. But there is one interesting fact : for the research project , however, the cover is optional! And, speaking of it, we have a free model available for download, already formatted according to ABNT standards for you to download now: you can keep up to date with everything that has been published in the last few hours. 4. Suitable location Finding the right location doesn't have to be difficult. Look for somewhere where you can concentrate and be comfortable, away from distractions such as: televisions on, side conversations or any type of noise that could distract your attention. Study tables are good companions, comfortable and great for organizing material. But if you don't have a specific table, look for a place that won't harm your posture.