A version of the material that constitutes a presentation of its target structure - consistent with the character of the work. Judgment of the Warsaw Court of Appeal in October, ref. No. Act /copyright protection does not apply to the idea itself, but as to its specific implementation… Jurisprudence has developed a position according to which “if each idea is sufficiently personal and creative and recorded in any form down, then it enjoys copyright protection." in October.
The idea itself, i.e. the unspecified concept in a given work, is not protected. The subject of conservation is the established work, not the ideas resulting from it. Judgment of the Poznań Court of Appeal in October, ref. No. / , an intangible object defined as a concept , in order for it to be legally protected philippines photo editor when infringed or used by other entities, it cannot be a general concept, but can only be a repetition of common ideas of a concept. Ideas and projects should be realistic, but should be innovative and original.
Creative Protection - Other Protection Measures. If we assume that a general idea is not protected by copyright, what protective measures can the original author take? First, protection can be sought in civil law regulations, that is, in the Civil Code itself. For example, the provisions of Art. The law regulates the issue of individual rights, stating, inter alia, that scientific, artistic, creative and rational works remain protected by civil law, regardless of whether other statutes provide for protection. Who is obliged to own a payment termina.