Retargeting following an app install makes it 30% more likely that shoppers will return without further encouragement. Consider these customer retention methods: Don’t be annoying. Retargeting should start with a user’s first engagement, but don’t wear out your welcome with an influx of ads. Create a “frequency cap” that controls the cadence of your display ads so you don’t exhaust potential customers.
Make sure you create exclusions For those who successfully convert South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Email List so you no longer show them ads. links. Deep links send users straight to specific in-app locations (instead of just the homepage), while deferred deep links are for those who don’t have the app installed.
These provide a seamless user journey and reduce friction between the ad and the experience you want to promote. Ensure users don’t get lost on the way to taking action. Rotate your creative. Mobile screens are smaller so ads are more likely to end up in a user’s focal area.