The and we realize that we always operate within an environment of comfort. It is really difficult for us to leave the square that we ourselves mark with our minds however we admire people who innovate with new and amazing products and services every day We can also be one of them. August PMReply Claudia Milena Valbuena The article is very interesting since it teaches us that all human beings are creative and innovative it is just about getting out of that state of comfort putting an end to those paradigms that do not allow us to take risks and activating that spark of creativity that activates all our senses.
We have to remember those beautiful life stories share them exploring other fields with the new trends that are in the market to take advantage of them and make an excellent USA Phone Number List venture come true that improves peoples quality of life. August PMReply DAVID SANTIAGO RAMREZ BEJARANO Excellent article which mainly shows us how important the function of the brain is in our body but more so the mind that can make us get out of the normal out of habit out of that comfort zone and all this allows us to achieve better ideas.
Be more creative innovative and accomplish everything we set our minds to managing to get out of the ordinary. August PMReply Harol Estiven Patarroyo Jurado Our brain is a growing tool since it must be managed with a good and improved acquisition of knowledge the more we train it in such a way that its methodology is to provide solutions strategies or problems and also to create. Also Other interactions and experiences of the person enrich it more to be an effective tool and one of the strongest of our potential as human beings. In this case they explain methods to us.