Only from this point does the content of the email start to matter. Add a review in every email and newsletter you send - especially when you show product boxes, be sure to also take the rating, if the respective products have such a thing. Submit articles based on social proof in newsletters! Double the impact of exclusive vouchers for your subscriber base by mentioning the number of members in your community each time.
For example, you can increase the feeling of FOMO by limiting the number of uses of the voucher, in the context where you have x number of members. Your goal, with each of the actions you take at this stage, is to bring the lead to the threshold of the purchase Job Function Email List decision, increase his trust in the brand and direct him to the site where you convince him to buy. Bottom of the funnel – BOFU 1. Using positive feedback on the site In this phase of the funnel.
You work with hot audiences : people who are ready to buy, who have an urgent need or want, or who "love" you so much that they want to buy everything you have to offer. Here you focus on the site, on your online store, so that you equip it with all the things that will help you determine the completion of the order. Here's what social proof to add to your website (in addition to those mentioned in point 8): Enable a trust icon to display the number of happy customers or some other representative number for your community.