Users have been debating whether shadowbans exist or are just a myth . There's no official shadow ban but that's why it's shadow because no one will officially report it. What does the shadow ban mean? Characteristics of a shadow ban In simple terms a shadow ban is when an account is blocked without official notification. Videos do not enter the recommendation feed and hashtag searches and video activity on the.
Account are significantly reduced. If you dig deeper into blocking last database you'll find that it's an automated process performed by an algorithm to temporarily isolate your content from users. It violates community rules. In a sense this is a temporary prison for your account so that you can be warned, reflect on your actions and correct your mistakes. Is my account in status? Shadowban signs will not notify you if your account is banned. So it's not easy.
To understand. people often Shadow bans are confused by regular content issues. If your videos aren't getting the number of views you want then the problem may not be with your account but with the quality of your videos. Despite this, the number of views of the video with the video ban flag has dropped significantly (for example, the video has not been viewed even once); the video will not be entered into the recommendation source ( ); there.